by Tom Murph
(Dayton, Ohio)
After using Quicken Rental Property Manager 2.0 for a number of years successfully, it seems that Intuit is forcing Version 2010 on me. I find that 2010 lacks features/support and is not compatible with the data I have accumulated in v2.0.
Quicken Rental Property Manager 2010 allows me to load only my tenant and building lists from v2.0 but all my rental income and expense data are lost. The lease details etc. from v2.0 also had to be re-entered. There is just no easy way to make the upgrade.
I consider it a waste of money. Quicken is trying to force me to use their financial accounting features when I just want the rental property management.
Editor's Comments: This is a Quicken Property Manager 2010 review posted by our reader - For our complete review on the latest version, Click here for our Quicken Rental Property Manager Review.
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