Where to find free eviction notice forms is the last thing you should be worrying about when dealing with nasty tenants. Whether you're looking for a 3 day, 7 day or 30 day pay or quit notice, our template here will serve you well.
The 3 Day Pay or Quit Notice below is for dealing with tenants who are unable or unwilling to pay you rent.
For free eviction notice forms to deal with tenants who are breaking the law or violating the lease terms, Click here for our Perform or Quit Notice instead.
In most cases, you can only send this notice to someone who owes you at least 30 to 60 days of rent. If your tenant is just a few days late, you should send him or her a Late Rent Notice instead.
Since eviction can be a messy and daunting affair, we highly recommend that you check out our step by step guide on how to evict a tenant before taking any action.
Our free eviction notice form is a 3 Day Notice Sample - You
may have to change it to 30 or 7 Day Pay or Quit Notice depending on
your local landlord tenant laws.
*While we make every effort to ensure that our forms are helpful, you must edit them according to your personal needs and local landlord tenant laws. Always seek legal advice when in doubt.
(dd/mm/yyyy): _______________
Name: _________________________
Address of
Rental Unit:
This notice is to inform you that the rent payments are overdue for the above premises which you currently hold and occupy. The total amount of payable rent is $ __________.
Your rent payments for the following time periods are due and payable immediately:
Rental Period ______________________________ Rent Amount $ __________
Rental Period ______________________________ Rent Amount $ __________
Rental Period ______________________________ Rent Amount $ __________
You are hereby required to pay the rent owing in FULL within 3 THREE days. No partial payment of rent will be accepted.
If you fail to do so, legal proceedings will be instituted against you to recover the premises, the rent owing and any relevant damages as allowed by the law.
I, the undersigned, being at least 18 years of age, declare under penalty of perjury that I served the above notice, of which this is a true copy, on the following tenant(s) in possession in the manner(s) indicated below:
[ ] On __________, I handed the notice to the tenant(s) personally.
[ ] On __________, after attempting personal service, I handed the notice to a person of suitable age and discretion at the residence/business of the tenant(s), AND I deposited a true copy in the [Name of Your Postal Service], in a sealed envelope with postage fully prepaid, addressed to the tenant(s) at his/her/their place of residence.
[ ] On __________, after attempting service in both manners described above I placed the notice in a conspicuous place at the residence of the tenant(s) AND I deposited a true copy in the [Name of Your Postal Service] in a sealed envelop with postage fully prepaid, addressed to the tenant(s) at his/her/their place of residence.
Name: _________________________
Landlord’s Signature: _________________________